+92 - 21 - 34984499 [email protected]


Natalie Grizenko, MD, FRCPC

*Medical Chief, Child Psychiatry Program, Douglas Institute
*Medical Chief, Severe Disruptive Disorders Program, Douglas Institute
*Clinical Researcher, Douglas Institute
*Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, McGill University
*Member Advisory Board, IMCHF

Natalie Grizenko is an active clinician, researcher, teacher and administrator. She has been medical chief of the Severe Disruptive Behavior Disorders Program since 1988. From 1996 to 2001, she was the director of professional and hospital services at the Douglas Institute and was involved in the restructuring of ultra specialized programs and the development of a community-based model of psychiatric services.

Since October 2001, Natalie Grizenko has assumed the position of medical director of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Program, with the tripartite mandate of integrating research, teaching and clinical excellence throughout the program. She has also been very much involved in clinical teaching and research assuming the role of postgraduate training coordinator in child psychiatry at the Douglas Institute from 1991 to 2001. She was also co-director of the Child Psychopathology Axis of the Douglas Research Center.

Natalie Grizenko has conducted research in day treatment effectiveness, risk and protective factors in children, transcultural child psychiatry, effectiveness of social skills training, pharmacogenetics of ADHD and prenatal/postnatal risk factors in ADHD. She has received (as PI or Co-PI) over 51 grants totaling $3,011,921. She has supervised 80 psychiatry residents, medical research students, Masters and Ph.D. students. Natalie Grizenko has published 53 papers and book chapters, and has written 2 books.

Morerecently, Dr. Grizenko has joined International Maternal and Child Health Foundation (IMCHF) as a Member Advisory Board. Under her able supervision, guidance and Mentorship IMCHF will be able to bring great changes in the betterment of Mental Health of Pregnant Mothers and Special Children in underserved countries. Utilizing her knowledge, skills and experience IMCHF will be able to develop clinical and research program in developing countries.

Dr Gloria Jeliu

*Clinical Professor Université de Montréal at Saint Justine’s Hospital
*Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics Université de Montréal
*Member Advisory Board, IMCHF

Dr Jeliu is one of the most Senior & respectful Pediatrician in Canada. In October 2007, at Montreal’s CHU Sainte-Justine, the Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development (CEECD) honoured Dr. Gloria Jeliu with its 2007 Medal for Exceptional Contribution to Early Childhood Development.

Dr. Jeliu’s research on infants and young children, her unique role in creating the Clinique de protection de l’enfance et the Centre de développement de l’enfance, and her international influence helped to create in Quebec a solid tradition of research on child development and child welfare.

Dr. Jeliu shaped several generations of young researchers and pediatricians who have helped advance knowledge and improve practices in support of child development and child welfare.

Dr. Gloria Jeliu In awarding this medal, the CEECD wishes to make Dr. Jeliu’s contributions known in Canada and internationally, and, at the same time, recognize her many achievements.

Dr Jeliu joined IMCHF to support its cause in helping Children in developing world.

Dr. Jean-Claude Fouron

Dr. Jean-Claude Fouron, professor of pediatrics and director of the cardiology unit fetal cardiology department of the CHU Sainte-Justine Hospital.

The College of Physicians of Quebec has recently awarded its Grand Prize in recognition of his contribution to the development of the medical profession, but also for his humanism and commitment to the community. He also received the Charles Biddle on the occasion of the award of Quebec citizenship in 2009.

Recognized as a researcher in the functioning and disorders of fetal and neonatal cardio circulatory system.

He is the founder and director since 1989 of the fetal cardiology unit at the Sainte-Justine Hospital. He served as chief of cardiology. He is a professor in the Department of Pediatrics, University of Montreal, he is tutoring, writing scientific papers, participated as a speaker at numerous conferences of pediatric cardiology. He is also a researcher, including the functioning and diseases of the cardio-circulatory fetal and neonatal on the use of ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology.

“He recalled that the heart is the organ most frequently affected by intrauterine malformations. The discovery of cardiac malformations up prospective parents before an agonizing choice: terminate the pregnancy or continue? He adds, tenderly: “Parents are a true act of faith when they leave their child in the hands of the physician.” Naturally carries his science to detect congenital heart disease, but he reassures us: “The fetal cardiology brings its share of positive things exciting.

“Haiti needs help to meet the challenge of infant mortality rate, which is 80 per 1000 live births (50 to 100 times higher than in Canada). He therefore started a project agreement between the Departments of Pediatrics Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, State University of Haiti and the University of Montreal. So far, things are looking good since it has been endorsed by many colleagues.

Recently Dr Jean Claude Fuoron met Chairman IMCHF Dr Zubair and has joined International Maternal & Child Health Foundation as a member Advisory Board. His addition will be a great motivation for IMCHF workers.